Wednesday, April 27, 2011


You look for me
And I’m probably lost
In this, my labyrinth,
My very own Knossos,
That I can’t fly away from
Unless I want my wings to melt.

Smiling you unroll
Your string of cotton
Wishing/hoping that
It will take you safely out,
Even though it has failed
So many others before you.

By now I’m dreaming
You will find me
And finish what should have
been finished years ago.
But  I know,
(oh yes I know)
that your hand will tremble
before the final hit,
and crumbling,
begging for forgiveness,
you will fall before me;
but you’ll get none.

Finished on 10-24-2002

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Eating body

Tender, tender flesh
ready to be eaten,
ready to be loved
(as if there was a diff’rence
between those).

And oh yeah - the lips,
the eyes, the hips,
the soul, the hole,
is all just one thing:

a meal.

Finished on 03-30- 2006