Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Shadow play

Lying in my bed at night,
I keep staring at the ceiling
and wild images keep bringing
thoughts of the strangest places.

There it goes a savage beast,
born in the Garden of Eden;
it keeps thinking and believing
its Maker feels sorry for it.

But whatever its destiny is,
it has freedom, it has choice;
it has a heart and a strong voice
that help it through the long journey...

With the corner of my eye
I barely see a smiling devil
it is waiting, smart and clever,
to make the right proposition.

For the fate of the strange creature
is to sin now and tomorrow;
and feel pity, pain and sorrow
for the wrong path it has taken.

And there's no salvation at hand
not a single thing we can do:
'cos were the beasts, me and you,
and we're condemned to suffer.

In my ceiling all is straight, now.
I can safely go to sleep, now.
I only wish I had dreamed of
these dreadful things I have foretold.

But it's not like it: they are true.
And we're the beasts, me and you
forever and ever condemned to hunger
and shunned out of the Garden wander.

Finished on 08-25-1997    

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